Monday, May 7, 2012

Add a 125x125 "Advertise Here" Banner in blogger.


With the passage of time,Blogs get famous and advertisers contact the owner to put their ad in their blogs.Many newbie bloggers face problem on how and where to adjust those advertisement.So if you want to sell some place on your blog here is  a simple solution through which you can create 125x125 ad spots on your blog.

Presently 125x125 display unti is the most famous as dimension among publishers and advertisers as they are perfect to display text and pictures attractively.

1)Go to Dashboard >>> Layout.
2)Click on "Add a Gadget".
3)Select "HTML/JavaScript" and Paste the below given code into HTML box.
4)Save the Widget.

<center><table border="0"><tr>
<th width="126" height="126" align="center">
<img src=""/></th>
<th width="126" height="126" align="center"><img src=""/></th>
<td width="126" height="126" align="center"><img src=""/></td>
<td width="126" height="126" align="center"><img src=""/></td>


The code in blue represents "no. of columns" (2 blue lines=2 columns)
code in purple represents "no. of rows" (2 purple lines=2 rows).

As soon as an advertiser approaches you, replace the links in Red with the code of ad given by the advertiser.

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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Introduction to Blogging and Types of Blogs.


What is a Blog?

A blog is a website in which items are posted on a regular basis and displayed in reverse chronological order. The term blog is a shortened form of weblog or web log

Authoring a blog, maintaining a blog or adding an article to an existing blog is called “blogging”. Individual articles on a blog are called “blog posts,” “posts” or “entries”. 
A person who posts these entries is called a “blogger”. A blog comprises text, hypertext, images, and links (to other web pages and to video, audio and other files). 

Blogs use a conversational style of documentation. Often blogs focus on a particular “area of interest”, such as Washington, D.C.’s political goings-on. Some blogs discuss personal experiences.Source

Basically blogging is widely used nowadays to share your thoughts and to connect like minded people having similar interests.

Different Types OF Blogs: 

1)Personal blog – This is the most famous type of blog.A lot of people are using their    
 personal blogs to generate income directly or drive traffic to another website.

2)Cultural blog – Discusses all about music, arts, theater and other popular culture.

3)Topic blog – Focuses on the function like some of the search engines present now.

4)Business blog – Talk about the stock markets and other business related topics.

5)Science blog – It is the mode used to disseminate information and data.

6)Collaborative blog – This kind of blog is written / managed by two or more authors.

7)Eclectic blog – It focuses on niches individually or collaboratively made.

8)Educational blog – Usually used by students to post articles, research papers or their findings.

9)Directory blog – Focuses on particular news and happenings.

10)Forum blog – Allows two or more bloggers to post discussion on the net.


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Protect Content-Disable right click on Webpages.


By disabling right click you can protect your important information,images or source codes.It will only take a few minutes to complete the whole process by inserting a few lines of JavaScript in your blog.With this trick you can disable right click on all pages and posts however you can also use it to disable right click on certain pages.This trick is used by bloggers especially to protect their images from blog readers.

Here are simple steps on how to disable right click in your blog or website? 

1)Go to DashBoard>>>Design>>>Edit HTML>>>Backup Template(Skip the first step if using independent website than Blogger)

2)Search this code in Template(use CTRL+F,for quick search)

3)Now paste the below given code before the searched line.

<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>
return false;

4)Save Template...Check you Blog.

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Friday, May 4, 2012

How to Make Money using Facebook


Many of you must have been wondering how come we earn money from facebook as it is just a social networking site?The fact is social media sites are playing a very effective role these days.They not only provide a medium of communication and entertainment but also give an opportunity to earn few extra bucks without much effort.

People spend hours on Facebook just to update their status and to communicate with friends and family.In short,they waste so much time on it.The purpose here is not to discourage anyone from logging into facebook but to inform our readers that they can use this wonderful social networking site wisely to earn extra income.

There are several methods through which you can earn money on facebook but in this post i will talk about 5 most effective ways to earn money from facebook.

1)Sell Affiliate Products.

Selling different products on your wall and pages is an efficacious way to earn money through facebook.All you need to do is get registered with any affiliate marketing program.Choose a product that you think might interest your friends.Share them with friends Whenever someone buys a product through your promotion link you get a fixed amount of commission on it.The more the buyers,the higher the profits.One can endorse as many products as one wants but choose them wisely as a lower quality cheap product might hurt your reputation.

2)Get Referrals.

There are lots of websites which pay you for referring a new member.These sites include PTC sites,some social networking sites,micro job sites and different affiliate programs.You receive cash for all the members who signed up using your referral link.In this regard,take advantage of your friends and followers list on facebook,encourage them to register at those site and make some quick cash.

3)Develop Application. 

Scores of people use lots of apps on facebook everyday.One can literally earn in thousands by developing simple applications for facebook users.All you need is a unique idea for your app and some developing tools to start your work.

4)Sell Traffic.

If you have lots of friends or fan pages you can turn them into profitable traffic for different websites and blogs.People pay huge amount to get targeted traffic to their website and facebook has a huge potential to do so.


        You must have been wondering that isn't ebay a sort of affiliate marketing then what is the need to discuss it separately..Indeed,ebay is just like other buying/selling sites But it is The most smart and effective way to earn money through facebook.You can sell ebay products on facebook.It allows different ebay application to integrate with facebook through which you can add ebay auction listing to your profile.You can add a charity auction to your profile as well and sell anything to your friends from jewelry to craft,merchandise to dinner dates etc etc.

        Though all this sounds so easy but you may face some problems too.One must consider one's friends and family who might get annoyed at you fo spamming their wall.So it is always safe to create a separate account for money-making activities.

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